Welcome to “God's Story. Your Identity.” a digital space for exploring topics related to Jesus and Christianity in a raw — tell it like it is — no churchy-lingo, way.

The best place to start is with God’s Story Parts I-V. Take a journey through five engaging and informative videos that lay out God’s overarching story and your place in it (see, below). Or, maybe, you just have questions. Great! You’re welcome to explore podcasts that wrestle with the big questions of religion, God, Christianity, and what it all has to do with us and the crazy world we live in. So, Check out the new series entitled: "The Big Questions."

Stay tuned for more podcasts and new series. Coming soon, two new podcasts in the series "The Big Questions," entitled: "Women and Sex: Is Christianity a Straightjacket? Parts I and II."

God’s Story Part I


God is a person. We can know him. And just like we can learn any person’s story, we can learn his. Not only has he given us His story, but he’s also invited us to participate in it with him. God’s story has been unfolding since the beginning of time and is still unfolding. It’s a story bigger than any other story but one within which everyone’s own personal story is given meaning and purpose, a point, a reason. God’s story has the power to rewrite those parts of our own personal stories that we find hurtful, shameful, or even unspeakable—giving any person’s story an amazing, death-defying ending. So, what’s this amazing story? Take a look!

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God’s Story Part II

The Garden

God is a person who longs to be in relationship with us. Made in God’s image, given an amazing mission to create culture and everything needed to flourish, humans are invited to live in God’s perfect goodness and peace as his beloved. Check out he beginning of God’s amazing story —God’s awesome intention for humanity and all of creation.

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God’s Story Part III

The Great Mess-Up

All of us, at the gut level, know that things are not what they should be. There’s something not quite right, something seriously broken in our world. How did we get from the amazing Garden to the world we live in? A serious question deserves a serious answer—check it out!

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God’s Story Part IV

The God-Sized Rescue Plan

After the Great Mess-Up, life goes on but it goes on without God at the center of it all. Culture advances but the good is mixed with the bad. And if we’re real, it’s pretty obvious that both history, in general, and our own personal stories reflect this. So, what does God do? Not only does he keep the universe spinning in all of its complexity, but he also sets about rescuing his beloved. Check out the story of Abraham and Israel and how their story fits in with God’s story and our own stories—it’s wild, it’s amazing, it’s God!

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God’s Story Part V

Jesus, the God-Sized Rescuer

So, here we are—he best part of God’s story—get ready to be amazed! Jesus is about much more than rescuing souls so they can go to heaven when they die. He’s about rescuing the whole planet, literally all of creation, ushering in a whole new creation, a new world, a new people. Think of everything in Part II, The Garden, and all the good God wanted for his creation and turn it up twenty notches. This is exciting! This is a lot bigger than some take it or leave it, you do you and I’ll do me, pie in the sky spirituality. If it’s true, it’s got everything to do with well, everything and everybody. So, check it out!

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